In recent years we have witnessed a real technological revolution in the field of biomedical research. The advent of new technologies has generated huge databases that constitute a key raw material for research in modern science. Bioinformatics is the discipline that encompasses different tools to analyze these data and turn it into knowledge about diseases.
In the field of genomics, since the draft of the human genome was published by the Human Genome Project, numerous resources have been made available to the scientific community for a better understanding of the influence of our genes in the occurrence of different diseases . The 1000 Genomes project or other public databases such as dbGaP enable researchers to share genetic data of healthy people and of patients with diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension among others. However, because of its complexity, the analysis of such data requires knowledge and prior experience.
At the same time, the digitalization of virtually all health care processes has generated large databases with clinical information, which properly anonymized consitute excellent tools for biomedical research. Among these databases stand out those from national health systems in nordic countries (Denmark, Finland), from UK (GPRD, THIN, Memo), and from both private and public health systems in North America (Kaiser permanente, VA administration, Medicaid, Medicare, Saskatchewan, etc.). These databases often contain information from several million patients and have been used increasingly to investigate how demographic factors or environmental exposures (drugs, tobacco, alcohol) determine the occurrence of various diseases.
CAEBi makes available to the scientific community its experience in analyzing databases with genetic and/or clinical information to help unravel of the causes of disease in populations:
> Analysis of genetic data: GWAS (Genome Wide Association Studies), NGS (Next Generation Sequencing), candidate gene approaches, pharmacogenomics, expression analysis.
> Epidemiological and pharmacoepidemiological studies.
> R&D Project Management.
> Training in statistical techniques.
> Creation and management of electronic case report forms (eCRFs).